Friday, March 30, 2012

Survey Results Are In

The results of our policing survey were released today and community sentiment is unfavorable: less than a quarter of respondents have a positive impression of the Police Department and less than a fifth (18%) think officers are using their time appropriately.  69% of respondents do not trust the Department, either as a whole (48%) because of leadership (18%), or because of officers (3%). When asked what the most significant policing problem is on the Island, the most chosen answer was “problems with Department leadership.” Over half of respondents think the Department has gotten worse in recent years.

Despite these critical responses, respondents do not want to outsource police services. When asked if the Island should maintain its own department, or outsource services to the County, over half (51%) favor retention. 30% would like to contract out to Kitsap, and 19% have no opinion.

A few cautionary notes. This was not a scientific survey, but rather an attempt to get some sense of community sentiment. This gives us a clue of how the community views local policing, but does not represent a "final word." We hope it's the catalyst for more questions--and more BIPD collaboration.

View the detailed results here.