The Seattle Times and Kitsap Sun have stories out about the COBI police department, and the stories are pretty grim: new revelations about the circumstances around the Doug Ostling shooting, indications of low hiring standards, the checkered pasts of several officers (past and present), and the failure of the Chief to provide the public--and county prosecutor--with information he is obliged to give. The community has questions, and rightfully so. But no one in city government has made a real effort to answer them. Collaboration can not happen without communication, and reform will not happen unless we face our problems squarely. Let the questions and answers begin.
Two Cops, an Axe, and Many Questions on Bainbridge
Police Force's Turmoil Unnerves Bainbridge Island Residents
In Officer's Testimony, Ostling Less of A Threat
Community comments: John Hays
Inside Bainbridge Interview with Chief Fehlman March 8, 2012